Der Europäische Arbeitsmarkt – Erfolg durch Flexibilität und Mobilität – Teil 1: Erfolg durch Reform: Das deutsche Jobwunder (2013) Konrad Adenauer Stiftung/Centre for European Studies. Berlin. |
Has atypical work become typical in Germany? (2013) ILO Employment Sector Employment Working Paper 145. Geneva (also available as IZA Discussion Paper 7609). |
Jüngere Arbeitsmarktentwicklungen, Benchmarking Deutschland Aktuell, Ed. by Bertelsmann Stiftung (2013) Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung. |
Mit Neokorporatismus durch die Krise? Die Rolle des sozialen Dialogs in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (2013) Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 59 (3), 313-335. |
Reformüberlegungen und Marktasymmetrie: Die Potenziale einer Abfindungslösung (2013) IZA Standpunkt 62. Bonn. |
Who Cares for You at Home? Personal and Household Services in Europe (2013) IZA Policy Paper 71, Bonn. |
Wie weiter auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt? (2013) IZA Standpunkt 61. Bonn. |
A Roadmap to Vocational Education and Training Systems Around the World (2012) IZA Discussion Paper 7110. Bonn. |
The Transition from Work to Retirement (2011) IZA Discussion Paper 5490. Bonn. |
The use of flexible measures to cope with economic crises in Germany and Brazil (2011) IZA Discussion Paper 6137 (also available in Portuguese). Bonn. |
Crisis, what Crisis? Patterns of Adaptation in European Labor Markets (2010) IZA Discussion Paper 5045. Bonn. |
Quantity over Quality? (2010) Jochen Clasen/Daniel Clegg (eds.): Regulating the risk of unemployment. National adaptations to post-industrial labour markets in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2871-296. |
The Impact of the Crisis on Employment and the Role of Labour Market Institutions (2010) IZA Discussion Paper 5320. Bonn. Also available as IILS Discussion Paper 202. Geneva. |
Whatever Works: Dualisation and the Service Economy in Bismarckian Welfare States (2010) IZA Discussion Paper 5035. Bonn. |
From the Dual Apprenticeship System to a Dual Labor Market? (2009) IZA Discussion Paper 4420. Bonn. |
Institutional Arrangements, Employment Performance and the Quality of Work (2009) IZA Discussion Paper 4595. Bonn. |
L’inaspettata nascita di un nuovo modello Tedesco (2009) Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali, 2/2013, 424-442. |
Reforming German Labor Market Institutions: A Dual Path to Flexibility (2009) IZA Discussion Paper 4100. Bonn. |
Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf: Wie konsistent sind die Reformen? (2009) IZA Discussion Paper 4294. Bonn. |
Vollbeschäftigung ist keine Utopie – Arbeitsmarktpolitisches Programm des IZA (2009) IZA Standpunkt 2. Bonn. |
Whatever Happened to the Bismarckian Welfare State? From Labor Shedding to Employment-Friendly Reforms (2009) IZA Discussion Paper 4085. Bonn. |
Contingent Convergence: A comparative analysis of activation policies (2008) IZA Discussion Paper 3905. Bonn. |
What have we learned? Assessing Labor Market Institutions and Indicators (2008) IZA Discussion Paper 3470. Bonn. |
Da waren’s nur noch vier: Wie viele und welche Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik brauchen wir noch? (2007) IZA Discussion Paper 2605. Bonn. |
Distribution of Responsibility for Social Security – Country Report: Germany (2007) Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) Working Paper 07/52. Amsterdam. |